Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Go Vote!")

         Through my invisa-blog i am hoping to send "go vote" messages out to the world. I must say, I have never been so worried about the outcome of an election. Despite not being incredibly fond of either candidate, I am terrified of what may happen to the idea of America if McCain/Palin were to get into office.

           Although I personally choose to have faith in God, I do not believe it is in our country's best interest to turn into a coinciding church and state government. In fact, it is completely against what our country is founded on- we are supposed to keep church and state separate. I don't believe anyone has the right to enforce their religious values upon another citizen. We certainly should not have the right to enforce singularly Christian values into law. All people should be supported and their rights protected by the government, not confined or chastised. 

           Additionally, I am scared of women's rights of choice, gay rights, and/or civil liberties being taken away. I am horrified of how long we might remain in war with McCain. Also, I believe Obama will improve our international relations, peace, environment, and education.

           Hopefully, whatever the outcome, our country will improve, and fortunately it atleast seems the economy will improve regardless.

*If this blog is read and outrages anyone and/or causes a political/ religious/ any argument to be commented here, please don't waste our time. I will not respond to anger and you aren't going to change my mind at this point- I also all ready voted. I am not blogging to be the recipient of hate or send it out ( I am not about that)- readers: agree to disagree if I anger you, wipe the slate and move on.


1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of both Obama and McCain. McCain was so incredibly gracious, well-spoken and kind- I hope others disappointed with the outcome can follow his words, so we can be unified again as a country and back up our leader. As for Obama, he was so incredibly sincere and appeared to not be pushing charisma, but honest integral passion. His solemnity moved me to tears and I am so inspired and happy he is our new President. I hope he continues to move all of us, as a nation, in the best direction.
